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july 2016
Diary 3"
2.07.2016 AUT 2016 Länge:
17min Wiederholung am 04.07.2016,
III & ARDalpha produzieren die Künstlerin Elisa
Rose und der Komponist & Musiker Gary Danner eine
weitere Folge ihres Fernsehformates "Digital Art-Diary". In
der neuen 17 minütigen TV-Sendung treffen Performance
(aktuell mit Schwerpunkt auf ihren 4 stündigen
Performance-Marathon beim Donaufestival
2016) auf Realmomente ihres Lebens als "Pioniere
der Digital Culture" (FAZ), auf abstrakte Bild- &
Ton-Sequenzen, auf Unpainted
München, auf Gespräche, Skizzen, Archiv-Material
& Natur. Die Real-Szenen spielen oft an Orten, welche
sich aus jüngsten Performances, Ausstellungen und
Installationen oder auf Reisen ergeben.
Am Computer entstandene audio-visuelle Kompositionen, im
STR-Studio aufgenommen, welches nach 20 Jahren im Ausland
wieder in Wien steht, vermischen sich mit Social Web
Mitschnitten & hi-res Inszenierungen.
Gestaltung: Elisa Rose Musik: Gary Danner
full movie 17min
Diary 1 & 2"
december 2015
video coming soon.
december 2014
STATION ROSE on ORF "Un_Commercials"
ORF III, Artist in Residence
After many
years of Station Rose on German TV (ARD/hr-fernsehen,
2002-06), STR now have their TV program again - this
time in Austrian TV
channel ORFIII. For this,
Digital Natives Elisa Rose & Gary Danner again
invented a new format
- as short as 3 minutes, which they call "STATION ROSE Un_Commercials",
running in between other features, coming as often as 16
times throughout the day.
- en detail:
The artists created a series of 16 virtual forms for ORFIII Artist in Residence, in which context a <non-chronological narrative> arises. These forms may be made up purely digital, made of computer animations & sounds, as well as from conversation fragments, text animations, or from recordings of real situations. The latter took place in locations which have been the environment of the artists in the last 2 years, such as live performances (Kunsthalle Wien, Ars Electronica, MuseumsQuartier, PIXEL HOME), festivals or fragments of traveling. All this merges in the storyboard. Gary Danner composed & performed brand-new music for this format, and Elisa Rose updated her videoedit-style, which she named Youtubisation years ago..
- directed by
Station Rose
music composed & performed by Gary Danner
storyboard & video-editing by Elisa Rose
Postproduction by ORFIII, Christopher Koller
Curated by Judith Revers ORFIII Artist in Residence
STR ARD/ hr-fernsehen #2002-2006
of Webcasting" at
hr-fernsehen on Astra 1C, Transponder 40. 11,068 Ghz,
"Best of Webcasting":
Parallel to
STReaming, Station Rose started with a series of
TV productions in may 2002.
Out of 191 webcasts, which have taken place at
www.stationrose.com since 1999, a special videoedition was
re-edited for TV each month.
- en detail:
Selected segments from webcasts, which originally were STReamed as 1-hour audio-visual freeform sessions, were resampled, relooped, morphed, distorted & smoothed, recombined, stretched, cut etc. Inverse publishing - from realtime in the net to TV - let us play with the language of "the old media". The avantgarde approach of freeform STReaming became cut-up and turned into pop with a mass audience in a mass medium.
February 2006 STR had arrived at "Best of Webcasting 31.
on TV - how we did it: 1) we STReamed our lives->into the net. • 2) we did that circa 190 times. 3) we remixed it for TV -> “Best of Webcasting” was on TV every week for 1 hour. ___-facts: In spring 2002 media artists Station Rose/STR developed the TV series „Best of Webcasting". The program was shown 4 years from 2002-2006. STR produced all in all 31 programs, thus generating 31 hours of material of their own. It can
be said that this broadcast has been one
of the rare (regular) art TV programs,
a style made popular by youtube etc. later,
- by
merging performance, moderation,
documentation, interviews,... into a
contemporary format.
://each program : For the
STR TV program, performance
and audiovisual art have been merged
with documentation, moderation &
interviews into a contemporary
digital artistic format.
![]() |
Background This unique TV-format resulted from live audiovisual Webcasts in the net at stationrose.com, which STR had started from Berlin & their Frankfurt studio in 1999. So far around 200 Webcasts have taken place until now, where audiovisual live performances & interviews with guests in the studio are mixed into new aesthetics in realtime. A simultaneous working in front & behind the camera(s), encoder & computers has been required.The realtime Webcasts were recorded on DV tape- thus allowing to create a „Best of Webcasting", a remix and re-editing for the medium TV. - Best of Webcasting_storyboards the length of each webcast has been ca. 56min. most of the time 3 audio-visual compositions for 1 series were used. 1 audio-visual composition comes in 2-4 different takes, finally arranged in the storyboard in a special dramaturgy. ![]() For each
program not more than 2-3
compositions have been used, and
their different
cut up versions/remixes have been arranged in a chronology. Information density & tempo meet near-stop & slowness. Compression is followed by emptyness. Activity, amidst deliberatedly generated waiting-loops. ![]() |
- Trailer A black-and-white trailer, which has been designed for the program, interrupts the flow at the end of each clip, a minimalistic & colorless break amid the flow of the different takes. This TV project posed a new challenge for Station Rose, namely to go into the classic medium television on one hand, on the other allocating the new Webcast style, which has been developed in/with the Internet, and to work on a unique style, which also works inside TV. |
may 2013
After 20
years in exile Station Rose´s
headquarter is in Vienna again.
Amina Handke made this TV program with us in 2011.
Sat,1.10.2011, 8-10 p.m. prime time on okto.tv is online now.
& ARDalpha produzieren die Künstlerin Elisa Rose und
der Komponist & Musiker Gary Danner weitere Folgen
ihres Fernsehformates "Digital Art-Diary"./enter our TV