__Station Rose PRESS :
_____ new BOOK "20 Digital Years plus"______Close-Up_410 _________Violently Y/ours - Recycling Surplus to Save Nature"exhibition__ Sit-In/Out_ Performance
__ Performance at Lentos Museum 10.09 __ Naturband at Videorama_on tour, <20 Digital Years Archive> =online__________
____________________________________________________________________Commercial Works____
TERMs created by STR: "Digital Bohème" (1994), "Cyberspace is Our Land", "Nature Is Cool", Digital Natives", "Public Brain Session", "New Media Arte Povera".
facebook _____myspace ___iTunes _____flickr ___youtube_______ the STR info-book (49pages) as pdf
press . please contact jerome@stationrose.net
new BOOK:
"20 Digital Years plus"_______new book with Audio-CD & DVD
_foto: Wolfgang Woessner/MAK_____________hi-res version
book-tour: 1.Frankfurter Kunstverein, 2.MAK VIenna, 2.Lentos Kunstmuesum, 3.Austrian Cultural Forum London, 7th of feb.2011, to be continued
press . please contact jerome@stationrose.net and
The new Station Rose BOOK, coming with Audio-CD & DVD, has been developed by STR from the database <20 Digital Years plus- the Digital Archive>.
published by Verlag für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Station Rose 20 Digital Years plus. 1988–2010 –>
paperbook with flaps 16,5 x 22 cm
192 pages., german/engl.
Euro 40,00/sFr 64,00
ISBN 978-3-86984-111-3
Station Rose, that is Elisa Rose and Gary Danner, summarises 20 Digital Years and at the same time delivers a current description of the situation with a visionary potential. Station Rose/STR, pioneers of digital culture, present their artist‘s book with CD and DVD. The publication delivers a description of the state of media art from 1988, when STR was founded as a public mediartspace in Vienna, until now. Station Rose (Elisa Rose & Gary Danner) are considered to be innovators & visionaries in the field of audiovisual art, electronic music, net art, audiovisual live performance and gender equality. From the beginning they have performed, exhibited & lectured at festivals, online, galleries and universities, as well as in underground venues and clubs.
During the early days of the internet Station Rose developed a language that could function within this ephemeral, immediate and permanently changing medium. The team coined terms and keywords such as ‘Cyberspace is our Land’, ‘Nature is Cool’, ‘Digital Bohème’ and made virulent artistic and social conditions discernable. The book offers not only the context in which the team was working but features audio-visual works, performances, installations and (pre)Web2.0 activities and linkings.
With »New Media Arte Povera«, Station Rose is reacting to the omnipresent crisis, rematerialising media art and showing textile objects and framed wall pieces. One part of the book is dedicated to the media sculpture »LogInCabin«, exhibited for three months in 2009, in the MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna.
Publication with DVD and Audio-CD, with works from 1988 until today.
------- - with texts and statements by:
Peter Noever (preface), Howard Rheingold, Bruce Sterling, Gabriele Horn, Vitus H.Weh, Didi Neidhart, Peter Weibel, Dr.Hans Diebner, Christoph Tannert, David Hudson, Terence McKenna, Elisabeth Zimmermann, Doug Millison, Dr.Timothy Leary, Elisa Rose, STR, u. a.
"Media art is both an art form and a way of life for Station Rose. Twenty digital years have by now assured them a permanent place in the cyberspace hall of fame — and not only there." Peter Noever, 2010
As pioneers of media art, Station Rose found a language back in the early days of the Internet, for this ephemeral, fast phenomenon in a state of permanent change, coined terms and keywords such as »Cyberspace is our land«, »Nature is Cool«, "Digital Bohème", among others, who made virulent artistic and social conditions discernable, and thus comprehensible. Elisa Rose and Gary Danner are considered to be innovators and visionaries in the field of audiovisual art, electronic music, net art and audiovisual live performance.
"Station Rose had every right to claim 'cyberspace is our land.' They were there very early, they raised their antennas and put down deep roots, and they never left." -- Bruce Sterling, 2010
"When I first met Station Rose, they were pioneering the use of real-time multimedia in artistic performance. This was in the early 1990s, before the Web was known to many people. Then and now, they show the way for those who use art and technology to reflect and reflect on each other. Since then, the Internet has made it possible for multitudes to create, publish, and perform, and now, as then, Station Rose continues to show the way. As avant-garde audiovisual artists, they are no longer the rare exception, but are role models and trend-setters for entire populations of online creators. Now, as then, they explore both the potentials and the limits of the media available, concentrating these days on moving media art out of the hi-tech ghettoes of media festivals to more everyday venues and on recycling material. In the beginning, the worked extensively with sampling in their real-time performances. Now, they extract material from their real-time performances and integrate that material into their more permanent works. Now, as then, they question where we are and where we are going. If you want to know where the edge of multimedia performance will be located tomorrow, look & listen to Station Rose today".
Howard Rheingold 2010
- debug-article 12.2010
- radio-interview :
- online-interview at
"Interstellar Overdrive" Atom™
& Station Rose _______ limited edition,
enhanced CD
___________ OUT NOW on Third
Ear, Japan
Composer and musician Gary Danner of Station Rose
decided to cover Interstellar Overdrive in 2006. After he had finished
a few first versions.... read the press text as a pdf here ----------------------------.Gary Danner Bio
Gary Danner: "Immediately after Syd Barrett died in 2006 I decided to record a tribute.
Later on I invited Atom™ to join in and contribute."
___________________________foto: Ernst Stratmann _____________hi-res version
The video was created simultaneously to the music by Elisa Rose.
clip "Krautstep Version", "Interstellar Overdrive EP"___________ youtube video here
"20 Digital Years_LogInCabin"
foto: Wolfgang Woessner /MAK
media sculpture & archive
MAK/Museum of Applied/Contemporary Arts, Vienna.
5.11.2008 - 25.1.2009
celebrated with
the media-sculpture "LogInCabin", at MAK
Vienna. 20 Digital Years- The Archive is online since then. The media sculpture (3,3 tons) has been sold after the exhibition.
As the 1st media art space in Vienna STR went back to the roots - after 20 Digital Years. For that Station Rose constructed a media architecture of 3,3 tons & used the the logcabin system - which goes back to Bronze Age - as a sample and updated it to LogInCabin. Sustainable wood meets LEDs & sound system. The media sculpture was on 24hours for 3 months. The LEDs needed 100% energy throughout sunlight/daytime, and 10% after 5pm. It was an intervention in city space - seen for miles, positioned on the MAK Terrasse plateau (built by Peter Noever).
Digital Art could be seen inside the scultpure, on the street & online.
phot-collection here:
The Digital Archive was presented there as a premiere.
After the exhibiton the media sculpture (3,3tons) has been sold to the artcollection of the City of Vienna. Because of its logcabin system it was constructed in 3 days, and un-built in 2. It can be rebuilt any time. Station Rose performed live twice during the exhibit.
details here
Digital Years_The Movie" ________at
KUNSTHALLE wien . 6.2008
_____video of the month #37: Station Rose
monographic artist screening.
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬
June 01st - June 30th, 2008 - Vienna, Museumsplatz 1/Museumsquartier
:// info:
2008 Station Rose/STR celebrated 20 Digital Years, and showed a film as their new piece of
art, as a representative cross-section of their audio-visual art, at Kunsthalle Wien for this occasion.
Many of the videos sampled and re-edited for The Movie have been created live during the webcasts
at their Frankfurt studio live @ home, for their TV series at hr-fernsehen/ARD digital "Best of Webcasting", as
well as during audiovisual live-performances in museums, at festivals and in the underground.
The basis of STR´s work is the interaction of visuals (Elisa Rose) and sound (Gary Danner). Both
compose their audiovisual art synchronously. Distillates thereof can re-materialize as
performances, installations, art products, CDs/vinyls/DVDs, net art projects, texts, TV shows etc.
While STR has installed and performed inside an audiovisual installation with 8 screens as early as
1991, their next step further now is in the opposite direction, by showing a one-channel projection
in the Ursula Blickle videolounge at Kunsthalle Wien.
The focus is on non-narrative dramaturgy & fictional story telling, which has been enhanced ever
since their audiovisual TV series. The real storylines are not in the spotlight, but get inverted
as breaks, as wild card and un-commercials between abstract MIDI-sequenced patterns.
The real world is featured as disruption, as glitch, as reset-button.
Digital abstract patterns, created by Elisa Rose since 1987, then on her Amiga computer, and the
use thereof, which had been confirmed during STR´s 8-month portgraduate studies in Cairo 1988/89,
take center stage ever since.
These attract interest together with RL/ real-life sequences, filmed on location (Vienna, Cairo,
Frankfurt, San Francisco, Linz, Lugano, Avignon, ICA London via Webcam).
The crossfading between scenes in movies has been replaced by short real-life interferences.
The soundtrack by Gary Danner was realized entirely on the computer, ranging from dry, minimal
electronica, over bass-heavy dub, to nods to Nino Rota stylistically. Special "vignettes" had been
created to fit the RL-interruptions, often backing the original sound recorded on location.
The movie is also a survey of the performative AV-flow of the art created in STR´s studio, with all
its drive as well as stops within the sequences.
Particular attention is given to subjective perception of time, digital glitches and the merger of
digital worlds and the (urban) nature surrounding us.
music composed, produced & performed by Gary Danner
visual art, performance, editing & camera by Elisa Rose
wien "20 Digital Years_ the Movie" (06.08)
articles in skug by
Heinrich Deisl
Station Rose in der Kunsthalle Wien, Ursula Blickle Videolounge. Ein lauer Frühsommerabend im Wiener Museumsquartier, fast alle
streben zu den Getränkeständen. Umso radikaler gestaltet sich
das Eintauchen in die klimatisierte Ursula-Blickle-Videolounge im Keller
der Kunsthalle und generiert so eine weitere Parallelwelt zu denen, die
es nun in der Video-Compilation »20 Digitale Jahre« von Station
Rose zu sehen gibt.
skug # | Text: Heinrich Deisl | Tue 15. Jul. 2008
"In der seit Dezember 2004 laufenden Serie »Video des Monats« ist
in der Blickle-Lounge diesmal eine Zusammenstellung von Outtakes, TV-Arbeiten
und computergenierten Werken zu sehen, die Elisa Rose und Gary Danner
aka Station Rose (SR) zu einem der prominentesten Projekte an der Schnittstelle
zwischen realen und virtuellen Bild- und Ton-Welten hat werden lassen.
Nach ihrem Umzug nach Frankfurt und ins Netz 1991 wurde besonders an
der Virtualisierung elaboriert. Die audiovisuelle Kunst von SR zielte
immer mitten hinein in das Material: Frühe Amiga-Experimente mit
ihren verschachtelten, sich ineinander verschlingenden Geometrien muten
heutzutage etwas krude an, lassen sich indes wunderbar kurzschließen
mit den frühen Filmexperimenten eines Oskar Fischinger. Aus ihrem
Studio wurde 2002-06 die wöchentliche Sendung »Best of Webcasting« im öffentlich-rechtlichen
TV in Deutschland ausgestrahlt, eine der wenigen (regelmäßigen)
Kunstsendungen in diesem Medium.
SR eine Video-Band? Bild (Rose) und Ton (Danner) werden synchron komponiert,
entstehen zueinander in Echtzeit. Daraus ergibt sich eine audiovisuelle
Interaktion, die etwa VJing weit hinter sich lässt. Vielmehr geht
es um Videos, denen der »Jetzt-Faktor« immanent ist, live
eingespielte Befindlichkeitsaufnahmen aus den Tiefen des digitalen Datenstroms.
»20 Digitale Jahre« ist der Einfachheit halber auf DVD kompiliert
worden. Dabei handelt es sich bei dem Projekt vielmehr um eine Installation,
denn die Filmfragmente sind Loop-mäßig organisiert, rein-
und rauszappen ist dem Zuschauer überlassen. Die Zusammenstellung
ist auch a-chronologisch und non-narrativ; Vielmehr geht es um ästhetische,
persönliche und konzeptuelle Parameter, wodurch sich Produktions-
und Wahrnehmungswelten allenthalben fröhlich vermischen und sich
zu einem wuchtigen synästhetischen Kommentar über das Medienzeitalter
verdichten. Danners Soundtrack pulsiert dabei zwischen Minimal, Dub,
Electronica und Referenzen an Nino Rota. Als Hilfsklammer oder Paraphrase
dienen Fieldrecording-Aufnahmen, als SR Mitte der 80er einige Zeit in
Kairo verbrachten.
Nach etwas mehr als einer Stunde Programm und gut 60 Filmen ist dann
der kaleidoskopische Blick auf die digitalen Jahre vorbei. Das Licht
geht kurz an, und schon läuft wieder der Vorspann. »20 Digitale
Jahre« ist eine kompakte Zusammenstellung über Station Rose
geworden, ein veritables Tool für avancierte audiovisuelle Blickschulung
mit einem Referenzkorpus zwischen abstrakter Filmhistorie und der Auslotung
digitaler Bild- und Tonproduktionen mit einem spielerisch-affirmativen
Zugang zu aktuellen (Video-)Kunstdiskursen. Sollen sich die anderen ruhig
in ihren scheint’s bedeutungsschweren Medienexperimenten verlieren:
Station Rose machen derweil Rock’n’Roll, vulgo digitalisierte
Momentaufnahmen aus ihrem Leben"
article in eikon #69 by Patricia Grzonka
skug - Kunst - Sound
Station Rose - Freibeuter der Datenbrösel
Legende als Begriffsumfassung
ist immer ein zwiespältiges Wort.
Auf Station Rose mag es zutreffen, doch die unbewegliche Denkmalsform,
das hochkulturelle Schulterklopfen und Rumstehen als Museumsstück
ist nicht ihr Ding.
skug #58 | Text: Paul Poet | Thu 16. Dec. 2004
Dazu feilen und feilschen Gary Danner und Elisa Rose schon zu lange an ihrer künstlerischen Vision eines vollvirtuellen Habitats, einer alternativen, total multimedial vernetzten Spielfläche als Kunst,- Kommunikations,- eben Daseinsform. Das absolut unzeitgemäße Exzentrikertum des Idealisten halt. Bruce Sterlings Bild von der Zukunft als durchgehende Shopping Mall, eben eh schon quasi die Realität, ist der Feind. Kunst und ihre Artikulationsflächen, also eben auch Computer, Netzwerke, Cyberspace, sind die wichtigste, wenn nicht einzige Form, um Alternativen zu bauen, Abstand und Überwindung. Neue Welten, Baby! Die Grundgedanken schmecken nach 1988, als das Kunststudenten-Liebespaar sich in einem sogenannten Lab, pionierwärts virtuell vernetzt und tätig, formierte. Der Plan, F.M. Einheit oder Bob Adrian an ihrer Seite. Die Strategie ist seitdem gleich geblieben: Der Netzstaat Gunafa, gebildet durch ein reines unverpflichtendes Kommunikationsnetz, dem jeder Interessierte beitreten kann. Ständige Webcastings. Global vereinte Sequencing-Parties. Musik und visuelle Kunst als stetiges, unkonserviertes Live-Erlebnis, das im 01-Dschungel seine kurze Daseinsfrist verbringt. Das Happening im elektronischen Nirvana. Finanziell greift man freilich schon gelegentlich auf gewöhnlich kaufbarere Formen zurück: Die Clubbings im XS von 1992-94 der seit damals ergriffenen Wahlheimat Frankfurt. Galerienvertretung. Bezahlte Hochkulturaufträge. Und natürlich die Tonträger, in den frühen Techno-Neunzigern mit NME und MTV-Smashstompern wie »Dave« und »Fab505«, die heute eher unter Liebhabern verdealten kindlichen Beatperlen des »Au Ciel«-Albums, oder der kürzlich erschienenen »Manifestation!«-EP, die in ihren Grooves eher psychedelische Trällerpopwärme versprühen als ascii-asketisches Nerdgeknurpsel. Und die Wärme, Persönlichkeit und rasende Kommunikationsfreude von Station Rose ist es auch, die sie 16 kaum modifizierte, nur technologisch aufgerüstete Jahre danach noch immer spannend macht, weil es sie so drastisch von der Sprachfeindlichkeit, Zerstückelungsbesessenheit der auch schon wieder gealterten E-Generation unterscheidet. Für sich und eben auch im Vergleich sind sie als nächstes bei der von skug-Art-Honcho Roland Schöny kuratierten Spektral-Reihe im O.K.Zentrum Linz zu bewundern.
Demand EP and Book "
Station Rose, Pioniere von Digital Culture, haben nun ein Künstlerbuch produziert.
Nach ihrer 4- jährigen Fernsehsendung "Best of Webcasting" und der daraus resultierenden CD & DVD mit selbigem Titel, war es für die Künstler an der Zeit, sich wieder im Standbild, im Print zu re-materialisieren.
Audio-visuelle Arbeiten, sowie Performances, Installationenund die Web 2.0 Präsenz mitsamt der daraus resultierenden Verlinkungen von Netzkulturen finden darin Platz. Auch Unschärfe ist ein Thema. Vektorisiert wird die lo-res Handy-Berichterstattungswelt d´aujourd´hui wieder scharf.
“Eine Abwendung vom Wort ist nötig. Schöpferisch sein ist stets etwas anderes gewesen als kommunizieren. Das wichtigste wird vielleicht sein, leere Zwischenräume der Nicht-Kommunikation zu schaffen, störende Unterbrechungen, um der Kontrolle zu entgehen."
Deleuze/Guattari, Unterhandlungen 1972-1990.
Parallel erscheint die EP ://on Demand mit dem Soundtrack.
Station Rose 24 x 16,5 cm, 64 Seiten, zahlr., meist farb. Abb., geheftet
ISBN 978-3-86588-305-6 {Lieferbar}
"Best of Webcasting DVD & CD" pressinfo- release
Zyx Music worldwide
Best of Webcasting
DVD [DVD 3056]
Best Of Webcasting CD [ZYX 20703-2]
Those who know Station
Rose should gain a more deep insight in the electronic creations of the
duo with this DVD, now living in Frankfurt. One has to understand that
Station Rose see themselves as "children of the digital revolution".
With the Atari, the Notator and the introduction of the computer-technology
Gary and Elisa discovered a field which was open to a new definition of
The DVD "Station Rose – Best Of Webcasting" offers for
the first time a selection of their AV-Tracks which were produced for
TV. The focus is always on composing Sounds & Visuals together in
The TV station hr-fernsehen involved Station Rose in their "Late
Lounge" program; "Best Of Webcasting" has become a favorite
show for those coming home late at night and ending the night with webcasts,
with a unique visualization and noticeable different soundscapes.
Since 1999 webcasting has been a main focus of Station Rose's art. Sound
and visuals are sent in real-time from the studio into the internet. Until
now 177 broadcasts happened on www.stationrose.com. Webcastings are multimedia-jam-sessions,
composed and edited live. These audio-visual compositions are all recorded
on DV-tape.
Their influential TV-series “Best of Webcasting” is aired
weekly in the Late Lounge at hr-fernsehen, with no comparable form of
art in German TV. Editing for TV presents the challenge, to rearrange
the sequences, loops, audio-visual-patterns and textsamples. The online
webcasts are made up from a flow of a main theme and from it's improvisation.
The TV-Versions reflect the laws of mass-media, thus shortening the online-versions
to about 4 to 8 minutes remixes.
"Best of Webcasting" from Station Rose now gets its own DVD
on ZYX Music, with the best scenes. It mirrors the digital lifestyle of
a whole generation that grew up, like Station Rose, with bits and bytes.
On the DVD there is a choice of 16 AV-Tracks produced for TV, classified
as "Abstract", "Pop", and "Nature Is Cool".
Additionally there is a fifteen-minute "Behind the scenes"-feature,
with the artists speaking about their activities and the DVD.
Information and velocity meet slow-motion. Compression, followed by emptiness.
Action inside deliberately created loops.
In order to give consideration to their role as Hypermedia pioneers, Station
Rose created along with the audiovisual tracks the layout, artwork, as
well as the interactive menues and the concept.
As a bonus, in addition to the DVD, the accompanying CD will be released,
which will contain newly produced tracks and all tracks of the DVD.
To see the installations, in which some of the DVD's videos are integrated,
the recently published catalogue of their solo exhibition is downloadable
at www.stationrose.com/OK/catalog.pdf
Thus one can see that Station Rose don't show their works in dark blackbox-videochambers
(like usual in such a context) but integrate them into electronic environments.
://new: "Mythos Medienkunst" to let you know: we have been interviewed by Franz Xaver for the Austrian magazine "VERSORGERIN" in the march issue, focussing on the early netart years. we gave quite some answers on the black hole of art history, which we define between 1988-95, read it.
you can download it as pdf as well (in german, page 8+9), E.R.
:// solo-exhibition "Violently Y/ours" - recycling surplus to save nature
at gallery Hofkabinett, Linz 15.01- 6.02.2010
_press article & 1st photos at Kurt Bayers facebook -site
STATION ROSE/STR are back to their home-town Linz for the 2nd time, after their AV-performance at
Lentos museum in oct.09, this time with the solo-exhibition "Violently Y/ours" at gallery Hofkabinett.
Now the media artists went consciously away from the media art (scene)´s devoutness to the future, and
concentrate on the crisis-ridden present, with new digital & analog works.
______Life instead of Artificial Life, present instead of the future.
They call their current direction "New Media Arte Povera".
For the solo-exhibition this means that STR acts in the sense of not wasting material, which must be retained nowadays. When "Recycling Surplus to Save Nature", they use the surplus, the fall-out of their studio in Frankfurt as samples for new works, besides digital prints on cloth. A very personal material, recently used by Elisa Rose, are her (worn) tights, recycled to yarn. Stills from the AV-compositions "Violent", "Fussgaengerzone" and "Ornamental_409", performed at Lentos museum, now become stitched, printed, sewn pieces of art, transfered into <real> material. The 500 year old building, in which gallery Hofkabinett is accommodated, represents a further exciting contrast to the in the meantime 21 years of digitality of the artists.
In addition, AV-compositions will be shown, & a limited music-edtion
<on Audio-Cassette> will be available in the exhibition, too.
:// see the videos of the performance at Lentos museum here:
____"Zipped" )
:// huge videosreens became stitched small sized art pieces for the exhibit.
see the photos of the performance at Lentos here at flickr .
:// groupshow Videorama - "Naturband" at KUNSTHALLE wien
Station Rose is part of the group show Videorama, Artclips from Austria, with the video "Naturband" (1985/86)
November 04th, 2009 - January 10th, 2010
:// info: " Naturband" 1985/6
One of the first " studioproductions" of Rose and Danner, 2 years before the establishment of Station
Rose. They produced Naturband during their studies at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where they
started to work together live audio-visually 1983/84.
The clip reflects the preoccupation of the artists with nature at that time, with distortion, as well as the
animism inherent in technology and nature, as well as their preference for a special lo-res image quality,
which they applied since then to their TV-program & natively in the net. The video was shot in VHS, and
edited in u-matic.
Elisa Rose: Camera, video; Gary Danner: Camera, music
The exhibition "Videorama" travels to->
Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, USA, 30 November, 2009 – 16 January, 2010
Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2010
Der Kunstverein, seit 1817. Hamburg, Germany, 2010
Galerie Henze & Ketterer, Bern, Switzerland, 28 November, 2009 – 27 February, 2010
Lalit Kala Akademie, National Academy of Art, New Delhi, India, 2010
MSU Museum der Moderne / Rupertinum, Salzburg, Austria, 2010
ParaSite, Hong Kong, China, 2010
Ullens Center For Contemporary Art, Peking, China, 2010
Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kraichtal, Germany, 2010
Zacheta. National Gallery of Art, Warschau, Poland, 2010
A German and English booklet (ca. 60 p.) with 2 DVDs edited by the Kunsthalle Wien – Gerald Matt,
Angela Stief, and Gerhard Johann Lischka – will be published by Benteli Verlag to accompany the
press: EIKON '68 (feature Videorama)
:// performance at Lentos Museum, Linz/A 22/10/09
"Augenclick – Pheromonic_Hungry Walking Blues "
:// info:
Elisa Rose (visuals) & Gary Danner (sound) work together digitally since 1988,
perform live with computers since 1992. Picture & sound, loops & patterns vare composed at the same time.
:// un-text: Station Rose/STR sees its AV/Netart as a new language, which will destroy the language of letters.
For SeeThisSound STR builds a Pheromonic Area with projections, P.A. &re-materializations. The basis is their personal synchronization. The samples/substances, which STR delivers during the performance to the public,
steers the behavior. The complex pheromonic communication system of nature is used performatively in their digital art,
"Das Pheromonische" is manufactured as AV-liquid. Signals release behavior reactions.
<Worst case scenario> are alarm pheromones, where hungry cultural workers transfer increased aggression.
Thanks to Ma Rainey for helping us out with the title.
________photos at flickr______blog.see-this-sound_
___performance-videos (youtube): 1.Violent__2.Fussgaengerzone_-3.Zipped
:// performance at artspace Satellit in Frankfurt 30/10/09
performance-art-lab satellit, am Roemer, Frankfurt, between Schirn und Frankfurter Kunstverein,
a Station Rose evening at an art space called performance-art-lab satellit, installed in the (former)
Technisches Rathaus, Roemer, in Frankfurt. A building that is more than interesting, built between
1972-74. (The STR-studio/headquarter, installed in the 16th floor of a scyscraper is from 1972, too.)
IMHO the Technisches Rathaus (i.e. technical city hall) should be declared a historic monument/building &
be preserved - but cause Frankfurt is always under construction, at least it has been before the world financial crisis, the
city decided to tear it down & destroy it - soon. let´s see. (stills used from city hall,
rhein-main-wiki.de) E.R.
_fotos: Ernst Stratmann, Station Rose
Station Rose 20 Digital Years _Database (in typo 3) - take a look here.
:// Commercial Works
__________________ - like for the F.A.Z
Commercial Works is a new partition of STR´ activities, and the start was not bad : we composed an AV-composition, animated the campagne & created an evening & installation for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung at Staedelmuseum_
-> take a look at the F.A.Z.-Lounge at Staedelmuseum
press-articles worldwide (selection):
Print & online
FAZ/Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild, FR/Frankfurter Rundschau, Playboy, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Prinz, Journal Frankfurt, Kunstforum international, Der Standard, Vienna, Falter, Vienna, Profil, Vienna, London Sunday Times, San Francisco Chronicle, de:bug, Telepolis, Rhizome, d2000, Groove, Noema, Springerin, Eikon, Libération, Paris, Zitty, Berlin, Tema Celeste, Italien, Intro, Ten Dance, Neue Bildende Kunst, Berliner Zeitung, Max, Amica, Art Position, Wolkenkratzer, Tip, Focus, Spiegel Online, Screen Multimedia, Mac Welt, CHIP, Flyer, Computer Bild, Bravo, Mac Up, Hör Zu, WOM Journal, TV Today, Tagesspiegel, TAZ, Mixmag, Rogue, Die Presse, Wien, Kurier, Wien, Salzburger Nachrichten, Intercommunication, Japan, Superdesigning, Japan, ED Magazine, Japan, Brutus, Japan, Quit, Japan, Guru, Japan, Asahi, Japan, Musik Express, Simultaneita, Italien
- * Telepolis
- * INTRO : "AU CIEL" (interview von sonja eismann am 17.07.00 in frankfurt]
- * SPIEGEL ONLINE. Daten-Dandys "playing now" .Das in Frankfurt arbeitende Künstlerduo Station Rose gehört seit Jahren zur Multimedia-Avantgarde. Live-Webcasts, Welttournee und neue CD bieten Anlass für ein längst fälliges Porträt von SPIEGEL ONLINE.
- * debug
- * popkomm.de
- * tonspion
- * rhizome.org
- * ,cybersociology
- * temaceleste. italian art magazine
- * infomusic
arte ("Tracks"), hr/late lounge MTV, Viva, Viva2, 3sat ("Kulturzeit"), ZDF ("Aspekte"), ORF ("Kulturjournal")
Station Rose Videoclips at MTV, Viva, Viva2,
HR, Bayrischer Rundfunk, ORF Austria ("Kunstradio" u. "fm4"), Radio FG Paris, KUSF San Francisco